Saturday, January 21, 2006

Where have all the old, dirty vampires gone?

Vampire movies look more like episodes of "The OC," minus all the tans. They've traded in their Bram Stoker's for WB's. They're more like exclusive clubs, and only the cool may enter:
"I'm sorry, you're just not hot enough for an eternity of damnation."
You can't turn someone away solely based on age or appearance. That’s called "discrimination," and they could take you to court for it. I remember a time when there was no discrimination. Where every man, woman, and child had an equal opportunity of becoming slaves to Satan. Sadly, that time is long gone. Aside from the simple fact of discrimination, is it smart to make vampires look so cool?

Do we want our children growing up to be like vampires? When the creatures were old and hideous this wasn't a problem, but now that they're all attractive and well-dressed, what’s to stop our young people from wanting to be just like them? We are endangering children’s impressionable minds, and it must be stopped. Bring back Lucifer's geriatrics, and leave it to the actors, models, and professional athletes to shape our children's brains.

1 comment:

otho said...

Who watches the OC anymore anyway? But I like the comparison. The thing that amuses me the most about show business types is that they think their work is so important.

I like your blog. Too many people get long-winded and lose their audience.