Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Holy Olympic Medals, Batman!

Torino 2006 Olympic MedalsWhy do the Olympic medals have holes in them? Is it supposed to symbolize something: freedom, unity, love? Or are the people behind the Olympics just going with the ring theme?

"Hey, you know our logo has a bunch of rings in it. Maybe our awards should look like rings, too."
I wonder if the medalists--when they're up on the podium, hearing a national anthem play--feel gypped when they look down. Do they wonder, "Where's the rest of my medal? Why am I wearing an 'O' around my neck?" Wait a minute. "O"...Olympics. "O"...Olympics. Olympics begins with an "O"! Now I get it. They're abbreviated symbols. I guess that's okay then, but it still seems funny if you ask me.
"Congratulations. You are the world's best figure skater. Here, have a golden donut."

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